<aside> 🚫 This community is currently on pause due to unfortunate circumstances. Want to join once it's open? Sign up here.


Hi there,

Thank you so much for your interest in joining the creator sandbox.

I would love to clarify the purpose of this group before you join!

<aside> 💡 Creator Sandbox is a small community group where creators can grow together by being accountable for each other. It's not an online course or a program for you to learn.


I know that most of us learn differently and from different sources.

I also know that when cohort-based programs end, you lose motivation to keep going in your journey.

The purpose of this group is to have a consistent support group for you to come and leave whenever you want in your online journey.

Think of it as a support group for content creators. I know that the online journey is a lonely journey so that's why I created this group.

This micro-community is FOR YOU if:

This community is NOT for you if: